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How to approach politics?

The policy elements that naturally concern us are macro-economic and geopolitical elements: France's budgetary challenge, the rise of populism in the United States, the war in Ukraine, etc.
We therefore naturally seek answers to these questions at the macro level. This is a bad approach, which leads to endless verbal jousting, sterile opposition of opinions, and ultimately to impotence, because whatever political systems are put in place, these problems persist, or transform into others even worse.

The important thing to understand is that what we see at the macro level is not so much the result of decisions made at the macro level as it is the sum of millions of behaviors at the micro level.
As a result, we can legitimately use the macro level to evaluate, measure, the relevance of a social organization, but when we want to act, we absolutely must go down into the detail of what is happening at the micro level, that is to say, say about the individual, and organizations on a human scale.
It is therefore appropriate to focus not on the behavior of a multinational, but on the behavior of each group of a few individuals within this multinational. We should be interested not in the overall behavior of a ministry, but in the behavior of each service of a sufficiently small size so that people know each other.

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View question 'What is Lean Manufacturing?' to understand the importance of focusing on what is happening on the ground.