↖ Homepage of the site 'What to do with your life?' Is the goal of life happiness?This question is likely to seem very difficult to follow at first reading. If so, skip ahead to the question'How to succeed in life?'. It is appropriate to see happiness as something that is possibly given to us at times, and to work on ataraxia as an individual, and on collective happiness as a goal that guides our actions. Indeed, stable individual happiness is a bad life goal for three reasons: On the other hand, the three precepts put forward in the answer to the question 'How to succeed in life?' present a clear and actionable path forward. On the other hand, it is important not to confuse happiness and freedom. On this subject consult the question 'Why do you need to control your ego?' Finally, if the individuals in a group seek to directly achieve happiness, without the support of virtuous training (which pushes us to act better in order to deserve the esteem of those we esteem), it is probable that the harmony of the group will eventually deteriorate, because the expectations of one do not correspond to those of the others. See question 'What is the purpose of life?' In summary, it is more productive to try to succeed in life than to try to be happy. The first objective being, in the long term, probably the best way to maximize the probability of achieving the second, in particular because it helps to accept the sacrifices and efforts that must be made along the way as well as the possible changes more or less. less complete in life. QuotesSchopenhauer: “There is only one innate error, and that is the idea that we exist to be happy. [...] As long as we persist in this error [...] the world seems to us full of contradictions. Because at every step, in big things as in small ones, we are forced to see that the world and life are certainly not conducive to a happy existence [...]" Go deeperThe natural continuation of this question is found in 'What is the purpose of life?' |