↖ Homepage of the site 'What to do with your life?' How are kindness and tolerance traps?The requirement of benevolence mainly serves to avoid having to respond in substance to an objection or criticism, in favor of a formal response based on social conventions. In other words, benevolence is mainly a tool at the service of those who base their access to power on cronyism. In practice, its biggest promoters tend to put on a good front, while scheming intensely behind the scenes. As for tolerance, it generally serves to justify the continuation as it stands of a practice that objective facts require to be reviewed. In this case too, tolerance serves to substitute form for substance, generally putting an objective fact and a belief or opinion on an equal footing. CitationsCynthia Fleury, La fin du courage : « Les stratégies d’adaptation sont inévitables et signes de maturité, mais elles sont aussi, hélas, le plus sûr chemin vers l’acceptation et la légitimation de l’inacceptable. L’adaptation des uns fait le lit de l’abus des autres. » Go deeperVoir la question associée 'The myth of listening and good atmosphere'. La question 'Que faut-il faire pour être quelqu'un de bien ?' expose ce qu'est la bienviellance réelle.