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What is a good friend?
Product friends of the alliance game
A fake boyfriend is someone with whom you have a relationship whose main objective is 'to network'. Fake friends are very useful for success in life, and are characterized by:
ready to exchange co-optation, or a struggle against others
the link is fragile, because it is self-interested and subject to reversals of alliances
Characteristics of a true friendship
On the other hand, true friends correspond to the desire to succeed in life, and are characterized by:
common projects or interests
Conditions for true friendship
Being able to maintain a true friendly relationship does not go without saying, it requires:
give up presenting to others a facade that hides real intentions, or presents us in a more rewarding light
the ability to lead problem solving together
be able to establish a relationship unpolluted by social ambition, that is to say in which no one seeks to be above the other
The obstacles to true friendship are therefore:
the beliefs that keep the relationship in a straightjacket
omnipotence or even failure to take the other into account, that is to say the inability to consider the other other than as a resource to be used in the best of one's own interests
In fact, being able to maintain a true friendship more or less presupposes having put in place the personal work described in the answers to the questions.What do you have to do to be a good person?' And 'How to succeed in life?'. In the absence of favorable circumstances, one can hardly be a better friend than one is a good individual.
On the other hand, when individuals have become capable of true friendship, there is nothing to prevent a relationship from starting with the aim of networking, and recognizing and appreciating each other, this relationship gradually evolves. towards true friendship, by choosing to let what is behind the facade shine through.
Contributions of friendship
True friendship is the most accomplished form of social bond:
it allows us to magnify pleasure through sharing. This can take the form of leisure activities such as sport or music, simple conversations, or even more simply shared moments of daily life, such as a meal.
it is the best remedy for our feeling of vulnerability towards a world over which we have little control. Indeed, what we perceive as our strength in the face of adversity is in fact our own strength, more that which the friends on whom we can truly count seem ready to provide.
it also allows you to find within yourself the strength to continue in moments of doubt, by telling yourself that you are doing it 'for others', or 'so as not to disappoint others'. It's strange, but everyone can see that it works.
finally, it allows flexible collaboration, unpolluted by notions of precedence, nor by the permanent evaluation by each partner of their interest in this collaboration.
Measure of friendship
The strength of a friendship is measured by how much one is willing to be harmed for the sake of preserving the relationship, not in an ostentatious affirmation of the strength of that friendship.
The nature and strength of friendship can therefore only be measured reliably, unfortunately, when we experience difficult times, which has been observed everywhere and throughout the centuries.
This is the answer we provide to the question 'How to succeed in life?' which largely determines the type of friendships one is able to maintain.
The downgraded, battered by life, by abandoning social ambition, therefore become more apt for true friendship, even before having done any work on themselves to rebuild themselves. However, it is not desirable to wait until you are at the bottom of the hole to begin an approach such as that proposed in response to the question 'How to succeed in life?'.
Voltaire: “Only good people have friends; evil people only have accomplices; interested people from partners; partisan political people; the royal people of the courtiers; yes, only beautiful people have friends. »
Go deeper
Complete with the question 'What is a well-functioning family?'.
Refer to question 'How to succeed in life?' to fully understand the fundamental difference between succeeding in life and being successful in life.
Regarding fake friends, listen to the song There weren't many by Marcel Amont.
And regarding true friendship, listen to the song Jeff by Jacques Brel.