↖ Homepage of the site 'What to do with your life?' What is the modern scientific method?The modern scientific method is nothing more than a formalism. It consists of formulating knowledge in the form of propositions of the type “If A₁ and A₂ and A₃ etc, then B”, or equivalent.
If a person replicating the experimental conditions does not see the conclusion, then the proposition is invalidated and withdrawn. Interest of scienceShe does not contradict herself. There is therefore no reason to resort to social violence to impose the conclusion. When scientists oppose each other violently, it is because they present as scientific propositions assertions which are abusive generalizations of propositions, that is to say in which part of the experimental conditions have been forgotten. Ignorance of the modern scientific method and its social consequencesOn the one hand, we see that even individuals who have received a Nobel Prize in a scientific subject are very often incapable of clearly explaining what the modern scientific method is, even though they practice it perfectly. On the other hand, people who have studied literature are generally incapable of understanding the difference between a scientific proposition and a merely plausible opinion. This is a big problem because it leads them to oppose opinions to scientific proposals, and this leads to dogmatic decisions on the part of individuals who think they are tolerant because they confront opinions. CitationsHenri Poincaré, La science et l'hypothèse, 1917 : « Douter de tout ou tout croire sont deux solutions également commodes, qui l'une et l'autre nous dispensent de réfléchir. » Go deeperConsult the beginning of chapter 22'Citizenship, education and philosophy' from the book From capital to reason.