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Necessary condition for a satisfactory social organization

The necessary condition is: framing the decision-making process.

This condition is the consequence of the discovery of what is - on scientific bases - human nature, and therefore of its limits.
By supervision, we mean two things:


check the quality of the reasoning leading to the decision.


the decision falls as soon as new facts or knowledge come to invalidate the reasoning which supported it.


The current organizations, democracy, autocracy, direct democracy, which frame 'who decides', and not 'how we decide' cannot function satisfactorily.


The vote is only one modality of the decision-making process, not a framework.

Aujourd'hui quand quelqu'un pense ou souhaite une réforme politique, il reste généralement à l'intérieur du carcan de 'qui décide'. Sa préférence peut aller à l'homme providentiel (le dictateur éclairé), le parlementarisme (des représentants), la démocratie participative (tous les citoyens directement), etc. Nous montrons sur ce site que c'est une illusion. Seule une réforme profonde de 'comment on décide' peut permettre d'obtenir une organisation sociale satisfaisante à l'ère moderne, c'est à dire post révolution technologique.


Consult questions:
Why do humans reason massively wrong?
What conditions must be met to produce serious reasoning?
How to take decisions in accordance with the general interest?
Why is Enlightenment a dangerous myth?Qu'est ce que la méthode politique moderne ?

Then refer to the part 'The conditions of a reliable decision-making process' in chapter 7 of the book From capital to reason, and finally to the entire second part of the book for the presentation of a satisfactory social organization.


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