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What is the great discovery of the book 'From capital to reason'?

There are 3:
1. Define what a human being is, on a scientific basis.
2. Propose a credible alternative to capitalism.
3. Demonstrate that any credible organizational system is necessarily based on the management of the decision-making process.

Define what a human being is, on a scientific basis

Depuis l'antiquité jusqu'à aujourd'hui, les politiques et les philosophes se sont contenté d'une représentation de l'humain simplement plausible, basée sur l'introspection, et non corroborée par des expériences reproductibles conformes à la méthode scientifique.
This means that they wanted to deal with the subject without even defining it correctly, and it explains why their solutions work so poorly: they are based on an unrealistic representation of human nature.

Propose a credible alternative to capitalism

Communism or participatory democracy are not.
Why ?

Demonstrate that any credible organizational system is necessarily based on the framework of the decision-making process

By credible organizational system, we mean a system capable of answering the two great questions of our time, namely how to satisfy the ecological constraint, and how to stop the slow degradation of the social fabric which is leading us inexorably towards the next collective tragedy (for

Previous systems, past and present, focus on 'who makes the decisions?', whereas the right question must be 'how should the decisions be made?'.Voir la question 'Qu'est ce que la méthode politique moderne ?'


Read the book as a whole.
Defining what a human being is is the central object of the first part of the book.
Proposing a credible alternative to capitalism is the subject of the second part.


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