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Digital: What is colonization 2.0?

Technological progress, following its phenomenal acceleration linked to the invention of the modern scientific method, should gradually free us from work.

At the collective level: colonization 2.0

However, we see that in the current capitalist system, computers are also widely used for all other purposes.
First of all, inside companies and administrations, it serves as a support for the proliferation of bureaucracy in the form of indicators that management (not directly operational) forces production people (operational staff) to grasp. Then, between companies, as well as between the administration and citizens, we see that the strongest tend to transfer their workload to the weakest, without financial compensation, and without moderation, in the form of: you must

At the individual level: the role of the manager

Let's start from the question 'How to make a success of one's life?', and put it back in the specific case of an executive in a company, or in an administration, and his relationship to IT.

If his goal is to succeed in life, then he seeks above all to progress on the social ladder.

Conversely, if the executive's objective is to make a success of his life, then his objective is to help with real production, therefore in the field.

Personal goal:

be successful in life

succeed in life

Framing mode:

hierarchical pressure


Computer use:

colonization 2.0

facilitate production

IT development :

subcontracted to the IT department


Main computer tool:

an ERP


The ERP myth

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning.

Capitalism has its myths, such as trickle-down computing, its own, such as the ability to satisfactorily adapt gigantic generic software to a particular organization.

Learn more

Refer to the question 'What are good practices in the world of work?'.
Read the article Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony published by John W. Meyer and Brian Rowan published in American Journal of Sociology in 1977. This article predates the massive arrival of IT in organizations, but clearly shows the excesses linked to the effect of social ambition in business, which IT has only amplified.

Read chapter 15 'The technological revolution of digital and robotics' of the book From capital to reason.


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