↖ Homepage of the site 'What to do with your life?' If they want to succeed, people just have to work. We are in a democracy!This sentence is the affirmation of the dogma of equal opportunities. This poses a problem on two levels:
The equation for successLevel of achievement u003d Personal gifts × Work × Circumstances This equation illustrates that success is the product of three factors, not just one. CitationsThe characters 3(IV) de La Bruyère : « Ce qui disculpe le fat ambitieux de son ambition est le soin que l'on prend, s'il a fait une grande fortune, de lui trouver un mérite qu'il n'a jamais eu, et aussi grand qu'il croit l'avoir. » Go deeper↣ The self-indulgence bias, Wikipedia article Refer to question 'Why is coaching a dangerous illusion?' ↣ Increase in inequalities, linked to automation, in the USA, in the period 1960 - 2020