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How to take decisions in accordance with the general interest?

The answer to this question is a consequence of the one previously given to the question 'Why do humans reason massively wrong?'.

To obtain decisions in the general interest, it is necessary to:

1. require the production of written reasoning reporting the analysis that led to the decision

2. the decision must only hold within the limits of the reasoning behind it

Why is voting nonsense?

Voting, for example in parliament, amounts to changing the source of legitimacy of the decision. In other words, each time we vote, we go from a rational decision to a simple political decision, the product of the various interests arbitrated by the interplay of alliances. To drive the point home, a parliament discusses a decision, then votes on it without adding the reasoning behind it, which would be the synthesis of the discussions.

Analysis limits

It is not because a correct analysis has been carried out that a decision is naturally necessary. However, it is essential to put this analysis in writing, because that is what makes it possible to question the decision when the circumstances change, whereas a vote without additional reasoning amounts to sanctifying the decision, and very often the


Se reporter à la question 'Quelles sont les conditions à réunir pour produire un raisonnement sérieux ? La résolution de problèmes.'

Se reporter au chapitre 21 (La justice) du livre Du capital à la raison, qui énonce une constitution en un seul article.


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