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Hypocrisy is necessary to effectively practice the alliance game.
Conversely, sincerity is necessary to establish a constructive relationship based on facts.
Now, if our goal is to succeed in life, and we are faced with someone who practices hypocrisy, should we practice it better in return or not?
The correct approach seems to me to be the following, even if being a particular personality, I myself am incapable of applying it:
When approaching a new person, start by respecting the social conventions of the environment. This very concretely means starting by approaching him hidden behind his social mask.
Then, look for clues through the exchange to determine whether a shift towards sincerity is possible with this person, and to what extent. To what extent depends on one's beliefs (which are opposed to taking the facts into account).
The higher the level of sincerity possible, the more we are dealing with a person with whom we can build a constructive relationship, which allows us to feel confident in life, to succeed in life. The lower the level of sincerity possible, the more we are dealing with a person with whom we can only practice the game of alliances, effective for success in life, but versatile, generating anxiety, and humanly unsatisfactory due to the long-term effect of cognitive dissonance.
Refer to question 'How to succeed in life?' to fully understand the distinction between succeeding in life and making a success of your life, then 'What is difficult to overcome to succeed in life?' to better understand the specific problem linked to sincerity.
Sincerity is also the key element to define the basis on which the couple we form is based. On this subject, consult the question 'What is a good spouse?'.