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Put an end to the abusive use of psychotropic drugs and psychotherapies

The present question deals with the fundamental and largely ignored importance of the infernal triangle of cognitive dissonance at the level of psychological unhappiness. This triangle is presented to the question 'What is cognitive dissonance?' which we invite you to read beforehand.

Let us list the different modalities of action of the oppressor individual A on the victim B, in an infernal triangle of cognitive dissonance:


Gestures of humiliation (a slap on the back of the head, a demeaning word in public, etc.).


Inappropriate sexual gestures.


The refusal to take into account a fact, also called denial, or in the more aggressive form, the pressure to make others accept an untruth or reproduce behavior that they consider inappropriate.

These three sources of oppression correspond to the expression of an individual's omnipotence at the social, physical, and intellectual levels respectively.
In the remainder of this document, we will speak, by extension, of the infernal triangle of cognitive dissonance, when an aggressor A creates psychological suffering in a victim B, even in the absence of complacent individuals C.

When they exist, the deleterious effect of complacent individuals C on victim B is absolutely not negligible. Indeed, to maintain the lie to oneself which preserves the alliance of the complacent C with the aggressor A, C needs to convince the victim B of the truth of this lie, therefore will create confusion among B, which will result by an existential malaise, all the more easily since C is experienced and highly intelligent and B is young. C becomes by force of circumstances an A using the third modality.

The MeToo movement has made us aware of the extent of inappropriate sexual gestures. Furthermore, both in terms of sexual assaults linked to the world of cinema, as well as those perpetrated within the Catholic Church, society has become aware of the key role played by those who know and say nothing. We have a triangle A aggressor, B victim, C complacent with A.
However, MeToo only concerns sexual assault, which as we have just seen, is only a small part of the sources of oppression. Denial, namely the refusal to take a fact into account, is a much more general problem in our society. It causes the same type of problems as sexual assault when it is not reported, namely the internalization of the fault in the victim, and the loss of bearings linked to the action of complacent individuals, with all its psychological consequences. harmful.

At the political level, the pressure to make others accept an untruth or reproduce behavior that they consider inappropriate has been particularly strong in communist countries where lies are almost absolute. At the domestic and professional level, this problem is currently universal and probably represents nothing less than the main source of psychological unhappiness bypassed instead of being treated.

Faced with psychological suffering, it is appropriate to proceed methodically:

1. Is the cause organic?
The primary search for an organic cause is the basis taught during psychiatry studies, and the justification for psychiatrists to also be doctors.

2. Are we in the presence of an infernal triangle of cognitive dissonance (with the presence of C individuals or not)?
In this case, it is a question of identifying it, explicitly denouncing it at a minimum, and entering into struggle if possible. We could describe the implementation of this stage as nothing less than the largest mental health project of the 21st century. Indeed, although this infernal triangle of cognitive dissonance is present everywhere, this stage is today avoided, in particular at the level of highlighting complacent individuals C, to go directly to stage 3 or 4.

3. Psychotropic drugs artificially change our brain chemistry.
The limit of psychotropic drugs is that they reduce psychological discomfort without drying up the source, just as painkillers reduce physical discomfort without curing the illness. The problem with psychotropic drugs, just like that of painkillers, is the side effects.

4. Psychotherapies far too often seek to act like psychotropic drugs. They forget that the basic action should be that of step 2, namely to highlight, denounce and combat the infernal triangles of cognitive dissonance. In doing so, they contribute to gradually locking the individual into a harmful spiral of denial of reality and compensation, without confronting the real problems at the source.

Finally, let's return once again to the infernal triangle of cognitive dissonance, and study the effect of complacent C on victim B in the domestic context. A C has an interest in victim B using psychotropic drugs or psychotherapies as opposed to highlighting the infernal triangle of cognitive dissonance. He will therefore not hesitate to intrigue for this. Indeed, if the triangle is identified and denounced, then C finds himself once again faced with his own cognitive dissonance, with an injunction to action which endangers his relationship with A, something he does not have the courage for. See question 'What is an adult?'.
At the professional level, it's the same thing, but the psychotherapies are administered by coaches, and psychotropic drugs are requested by the victims to "hold on".

Content of psychotherapy

A l'étape 4, une psychothérapie devrait assurer que les points suivants sont correctement couverts :


Modifier sa vision de soi et du monde, pour qu'elle soit compatible avec ses expériences vécues (regard objectif sur les faits sans surajout d'une dimension affective), repose sur des attentes raisonnables, tout en donnant des perspectives d'amélioration (actions possibles, non impuissance). A ce niveau, la question de la responsabilité est aussi centrale (Epictète).


Revenir sur les situations particulières qui provoquent immédiatement l'émergence impérieuse d'une émotion désagréable, en particulier de détresse ou d'impuissance.
L'objectif est de les contextualiser, c'est à dire éviter la généralisation, en particulier la certitude que ce qui s'est passé à l'époque se passera toujours.


Optimiser et limiter le contenu de ses ruminations (pensées qui viennent spontanément) au lieu de leur donner simplement libre cours et de les subir. Cela ne peut se réduire à les éviter ou les réprimer. Cela suppose aussi de ne pas laisser les problèmes s'accumuler faute de passage à l'action. On pourrait qualifier cela d'hygiène mentale.


Learn to practice problem solving.


Apprendre des techniques d'auto défense mentale. Il s'agit de ne pas être démuni face aux agressions psychiques des autres.

Go deeper

See question 'Should you listen to your emotions?' qui évoque l'aspect stratifié de l'esprit humain, les malaises qui peuvent en résulter, et fourni dans sa partie 'approfondir' les références de méthodes psychothérapiques dont les résultats sont cliniquement prouvés et recoupent largement ce qui est décrit ici.

Voir la question 'Why is politics important?' which evokes the danger of psychologism, which consists of interpreting any discomfort as a lack of adaptability of the individual.


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