↩ Homepage of the site 'What to do with your life?' What conditions must be met to produce serious reasoning?
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The statutory decision. It consists of basing the validity of the solution on the status of the person who takes it (parent, teacher, hierarchical superior), and not on the quality of the analysis that leads to it. |
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The normative or dogmatic decision. It consists of basing the validity of the solution on the fact that it is the rule, the law, the norm, the standard procedure, the state of the art. See the question 'What do good practices represent in the world of work?' |
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L'écoute empathique. Elle consiste à créer un climat de confiance qui cache et compense l'arbitraire de la solution. Voir la question 'Le mythe de l'écoute'. |
L'autre grande technique de contournement consiste à passer à saute mouton par dessus l'analyse. Pour cela, on utilise un dogme religieux ou l'état de l'art au niveau professionnel, pour passer directement de la constatation du problème à la solution.
Une version plus avancée de la méthode de résolution de problèmes, qui tient compte des différentes structures de personnalités est proposée à la question 'Tell me how you make decisions, I'll tell you who you are'
Voir la question 'Pourquoi les humains raisonnent-ils massivement faux ?' qui détaille les défauts méthodologiques du raisonnement humain.
Refer to question 'What do good practices represent in the world of work?' to fully understand how good practices are often an obstacle to the production of serious reasoning.
Its referred to the question 'The myth of listening and good atmosphere' to fully understand how empathy can be misused.
For a more detailed description of the difficulty in conducting serious reasoning, refer to Chapter 4'The decision-making process, or the reign of the irrational' from the book From capital to reason.
For a more detailed explanation of the concept of strategic listing, refer to chapters 7'Going beyond the philosophical vision of the Enlightenment', 10 'The journal of strategic reflections' and 11 'Operational control'.
Last but not least, for a more detailed description of applying the problem-solving method in a group of people, refer to Chapter 9'The problem log' from the book From capital to reason.
Possibly explore on the Internet the concept 'Behavior Scale' which details the upstream process of dealing with problems, i.e. makes an inventory of avoidance techniques so as not to notice the problem (ignore, deny, accuse, justify oneself) , then resumes the processing steps (analyze, imagine) while forgetting the last one (implement).